Our Teachers
Our Heart Rhythm Meditation teachers have all completed multi-year, intensive courses with iamHeart, in addition to receiving further specialized training to teach the method of Heart Rhythm Meditation. The teachers come from a variety of professional backgrounds and have expertise in many areas. All of them have found this method to support them in meaningful ways, and they are passionate to share it with others. Our teachers facilitate guided meditations, online courses, group retreats, and local in-person classes. You can connect with our teachers around the world, primarily in North America, Europe, and Taiwan.
- Mentors
- Retreat Guide
- In Person Teacher
- Hurqalya Healer
- IamU Teachers
- App Contributor

Robin Kalimi Carpenter
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Robin Kalimi Carpenter began her daily practice of Heart Rhythm Meditation in 2002 and has since become an iamHeart certified Teacher, Retreat Guide, Mentor, and Hurqalya Healer. She is an iamU graduate who teaches local and on-line HRM classes and leads a meditation by phone every Saturday morning. Robin recently retired as a business professional in health insurance after 36 years, is married to Jack Carpenter who also practices HRM, and has two adult children (and two dogs!).

Maureen Attara DeBellis
Location: Bethlehem, PA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, IamU Teachers
Maureen Attara DeBellis discovered Heart Rhythm Meditation in 2014 and it quickly became her main spiritual practice. She is now a mentor, teacher and coach with the IAMHeart community. In addition to her corporate career, Maureen is a spiritual director and personal retreat guide. She has a BA in Marriage and Family Studies from DeSales University and a Graduate Level Certificate in Spiritual Direction from Moravian Theological Seminary in Bethlehem, PA. Maureen believes spiritual formation is ongoing and multi-faceted.

Jai Linda Turner
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Jai Linda Turner has an MS in Psychology and has been a licensed therapist in private practice for over 25 years. She has specialized training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, EMDR, and Critical Incident Stress Management, CISM. For over 20 years, Jai has been practicing and teaching HRM. She is currently a mentor, iamHeart teacher, coach, Dean of Faculty, Hurqalya healer and on the iamHeart Board of Directors.

Munawwir Sherry Nelson
Location: Emporia, KS
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Hurqalya Healer
Sherry Munawwir Nelson has been engaged in Heart Rhythm Meditation practice for the last 12 years. She has completed the following programs within IamHeart; IamU, Hurqalya Energy Healing, Spiritual Leadership Class, Retreat Guide training and Mentor training. Sherry is currently a Mentor and a teacher in the Hurqalya Energy Healing program. She guides personal retreats both in-person and on-line. Sherry also leads a weekly meditation group. Sherry is a retired public educator of 32 years. She has been married to her husband Kim for 45 years, they have three grown sons and seven grandkids. It would be my great privilege to help you in this process of opening your heart. I have been a very successful entrepreneur, married 40 years with 2 adult kids who live in India, and was the minister of our local Unity church for 18 years. At iamHeart I am a mentor, the Dean of the Hurqalya School of Heart-Energy healing, and have the honor of being the chairman of the Board of Directors of iamHeart.

Steven Winn
Location: Fairfield, IA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Hurqalya Healer
After 40+ years of meditating with my mind, in 2013 I began exploring the process of meditating with my heart. My experiences with Heart Rhythm Meditation were so deep and rich that I signed up for iamU within 3 months of learning HRM. It would be my great privilege to help you in this process of opening your heart. I have been a very successful entrepreneur, married 40 years with 2 adult kids who live in India, and was the minister of our local Unity church for 18 years. At iamHeart I am a mentor, the Dean of the Hurqalya School of Heart-Energy healing, and have the honor of being the chairman of the Board of Directors of iamHeart.

Khalilah Charrington
Location: St. Louis, MO
Format for teaching: , Mentors, App Contributor
Khalilah has practiced HRM for 4 years and have been teaching for 1 year. She loves the practicality and simplicity of HRM. She believes greater peace, love, prosperity, and connection are all possible through HRM. And these simple meditation practices have been transformative in her life. She spent the majority of her adult life working as a natural health practitioner and coach. She's a licensed acupuncturist, trained in medicinal herbalism, bodywork, flower essence therapy, and various forms of energy work. She's currently exploring a new realm of work growing a small media company with her husband and 2 of her children. Her deepest intention is to see the greatness within others and to support the unfolding of their unique gifts to humanity.

Ying-Ching Lai
Location: Taiwan
Format for teaching: , Mentors
From medical and psychology background, she is always seeking for spiritual practices that support her healing, spiritual development and her work. Heart rhythm meditation and the teachings of the Heart is the most precious path she has found. Happy to have people joining her exploring HRM and Healing!

Dana Duclo
Location: Tucson, AZ
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, App Contributor
Dana Duclo is a certified School Psychologist and meditation teacher with decades of experience in the fields of psychology, education and meditation. She is a nervous system regulation specialist who teaches leading-edge approaches that help ease the effects of stress and trauma. Dana has been practicing and teaching HRM for over 16 years, is a graduate of iamU and the iamHeart Mentoring and Spiritual Leadership programs, and is a mentor and long-time member of the iamHeart community.

Leah Shaffer
Location: Tucson, AZ
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher
Leah has studied and taught Heart Rhythm Meditation for over ten years. She has helped organize countless group retreats and has worked with individuals as a long-established meditation Mentor. Leah’s favorite training came in the form of week-long individual retreats, where she would meditate alone for 8+ hours a day. These retreats allowed her to access meditation beyond any other previous experience. With the energy she found in her heart and the support of her practice, she has learned how to: heal her own emotional trauma, overcome long-standing depression, balance hyper-sensitivity with personal strength, and calm inborn fear. Leah currently teaches yoga and meditation for her local community and co-hosts a popular livestream meditation show. She is dedicated to helping individuals overcome their obstacles, heal their emotional pain, and ease inner longing. “With each step we take on our path, we are moving toward greater internal liberation and ennobling our soul expression.”

Alistair Beattie
Location: Norfolk, England
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Alistair based in the UK and has been a Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM) practitioner since 1999. He is a HRM certified teacher, mentor and retreat guide. He is also a certified Hurqalya healer. Alistair knows from his own experience, how mentoring can guide one in their chosen direction, suggest ways forward in their life, helping them to meet the challenges that come to them. in all aspects of their life.

Darilynn Schrader
Location: Belize, Central America
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
A graduate of the iamU class of 2017, Darilynn is also a certified Heart Rhythm Meditation Teacher, Mentor, and Hurqalya Healer. No stranger to the vagaries of life, Darilynn's life has unfolded as a spiritual path of mastery through change. Her current iteration of this path finds her residing in Belize, Central America (expatriate from Victoria, B.C., Canada), where she works online with people from around the world. A unique and loving soul gardener, she invites you to cultivate yourself and your life like a sacred garden and bring your heart into the world through mentoring with her!

Naqiba Shu-Fang Wang
Location: Taiwan
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher
Naqiba Shu-Fang discovered Heart Rhythm Meditation in 2006, and it had since become her passion and main spiritual practice. She is a certified Mentor, Teacher, and Retreat Guide. She leads group retreats and meditation courses for many years. In addition, she is a trainer and healer in the field of Energy Psychology. She celebrates life with a variety of interests: traveling, music, dancing, and writing. She is an accomplished writer with four books. Currently, she lives with six cats and two dogs on the mountain overlooking the pacific ocean.

Charles Palmer
Location: Naples, FL
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, App Contributor
Charles is interested in helping mentees progress along the path of inner development and apply what they learn to their specific needs. He have been meditating for 5 decades using various forms of meditation before learning HRM and graduating from the inaugural IAMU class in 2012. He have done various advanced courses with IAM and currently serve as a mentor. Charles has taught HRM to large groups at the medical center where he worked in Hershey PA for 10 yrs. He is a physician recently retired form academic practice at Penn State University in Hershey PA. Accordingly, his interests include the physiological effects of meditation and he has studied meditation in the laboratory and through research projects on well being and heart rate variability. He is interested in how the practices available through IAM can be applied to address the specific needs of the mentee so as to improve balance, harmony and creativity.

Salaam Robin Goldberg DMD
Location: Connecticut
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Robin Goldberg, DMD is a mother, partner, dentist, and meditation teacher in Connecticut, US. Her dental patients enjoy her gentle, calm, energy created by her meditation practice, and her meditation students and mentees enjoy her confident hospitality that she developed through her dental career. With her background in co-counseling, she is particularly interested in the effects of large societal influences on our individual journeys in life. She's a self-taught painter, player of guitar and mandolin, and improv comedy.

Susanna Bair
Location: Tucson, AZ
Format for teaching: , Mentors, IamU Teachers
Susanna Bair has been teaching meditation for 40 years, through seminars, conferences, courses, and retreats worldwide. It was her emphasis on the heart that gave form to Heart Rhythm Meditation. She is the Co-Founder and President of iamHeart and the supervisor of all 30+ mentors in iamHeart. Susanna is passionate about the topic of healing and with Puran developed the Hurqualya Method of Energy Healing. She also co-authored iamHeart's three sourcebooks on transformation through the heart.

Majida Liz Smith
Location: Austin, TX
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, IamU Teachers
Majida Liz Smith has traveled the spiritual path with iamHeart since 1998. She is a certified teacher who has regularly taught iamU web courses and leads a weekly meditation on Zoom. As a certified Mentor she enjoys listening and building a strong relationship that empowers growth. Liz enjoyed her career was as middle school teacher and also enjoys reading, birding or working in a garden. She treasures being a grandmother, mother and friend.

Amadeus Stephen Hodgdon
Location: Maine
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Amadeus has been practicing Heart Rhythm Meditation for over 20 years and has been teaching it locally for over fifteen years . He is an iamHeart Mentor, Hurqalya Healer and teaches meditation both in-person and online in iamU. He leads two weekly online meditations focusing on spirituality, and leads the Hazrat Inayat Khan Healing Ceremony for iamHeart's prayer circle once weekly. Amadeus taught music in the Maine public schools in for nearly fifty years and is now retired and living on Mount Desert Island, also in Maine.

Anaa Mansouri
Location: Middle East
Format for teaching: , Mentors
Anaa is an Arab American located in the middle east. She used to wake up and go meditate with the Buddhists at 7am when she was 20 at a local temple by her in the US. She intuitively knew there was a better fit. She studied healing arts for 18 years and found the better way when she joined iamHeart's iamU program in 2012 and she has been with iamHeart ever since. Anaa is a seeker and a person who believes in the One Universal Heart of humanity. Accessing that heart gives you everything. Without it she is not sure we are fully alive.

Narandja Milanovich Eagleson
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Format for teaching: , Mentors
Narandja Milanovich Eagleson is currently focused on writing and the practices of voice dialogue, embodied imagination memory and dreamwork, mentoring in heart rhythm meditation, shamanic healing, organizational effectiveness and personal mastery. In addition, to 40 years of experience in the field of engineering, management, leadership development, psychology and alternative healing modalities, her formal education includes: Bachelors and Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rice University as well as two Masters and a PhD in Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. She lives with her amazing husband Gary on 20 acres of California oak woodlands and wildlife. Narandja is a graduate of iamHeart's IamU and Mentoring program. Also, she is currently enrolled in iamHeart's Hurqalya Healing program.

Bismillah Susan Shawn
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
Bismillah is a graduate of IAMU, a certified iamHeart Retreat Guide, Hurqalya Healer and graduate of iamHeart’s Spiritual Leadership program. She worked as a counselor in the field of education for over thirty years.

Indra Irene Ortiz
Location: Rio Rico, AZ
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
Indra was introduce to Iamheart in 2014 . A graduate of IAMU class 2018 and Mentoring and Mysticism program 2020, currently in Hurqalya Healing Program. Indra is a lover of life with a deep connection to spirit. Indra has spent the last 30 years devoted to learning and guiding healing practices, helping others through yoga, meditation, various massage modalities and the advanced energetic integration of Zero Balancing. Indra is passionate about the work of the heart and integrates the depth of her experience into everything she offers.

Omar Steven Paulk
Location: Boulder, CO
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Omar, a graduate of iamU 2015, loves helping others learn to breathe and listen to their hearts. Omar believes heart-focused meditation is humanity's next great leap, and Heart Rhythm Meditation and I AM HEART are one of the leaders of "getting out of our heads and into our hearts." Omar says, "Changing how you breath changes how you feel." He believes breath is one of our superpowers, and we can build a more beautiful world along with our hearts. Omar likes to include nature in his meditations, storytelling, and teaching.

Aurelia Crystal Hill
Location: Larned, KS
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers, App Contributor
Aurelia is a Family Practice Physician in a small rural Kansas town. She have been a part of iamHeart since 2011.She is graduate of IAMU, Hurqalya, Graduate Program in Spiritual leadership, teachers training and mentor training. She has taught immersion courses and IAMU courses. She loves to teach the basics of HRM as well as more complex aspects of HRM. She also love to help people in the topic of weight loss. She had her own weight loss journey where over several years she dropped 100 pounds and kept it off. HRM was a big part of her success. She also offer a medical perspective due to her professional background, but she does focus on meditation rather than medical advice with her mentees.

Petra Brunner
Location: Felixdorf, Austria
Format for teaching: , Mentors
Petra has been immersed in the world of meditation since 2013 and found her home at IAM in 2016. The daily meditation has had a lasting effect on her personally and has taken her out of the prison of her hectic world of thoughts. Thanks to IAM practices, Petra can now open her heart completely to you and breathe deeply together with you. Here and now. Her focus: Experiencing spirituality through and with the physical body - feeling yourself, perception on a subtle level with the physical structures. Strengthen health, stimulate your own self-healing through energetic methods, bring here as a pharmacist also a wealth of experience with alternative healing methods.

Jane Duncan
Location: Hampshire, UK
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers, App Contributor
Jane is a retired nurse/midwife and lives in Hampshire, UK. She is married and has two adult daughters. She has been meditating with iamHeart since 2008 and is a teacher and mentor in the school. She is also separately a spiritual director coming from the Christian tradition. Jane has been a spiritual seeker for a very long time. This school has supported her to make sense of the world and her relationships within it and she loves sharing the journey with others.

Khadijah Cornelia Dilley
Location: Germany
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
Khadijah Cornelia Dilley met Susanna and Puran Bair in Florida 2004. She has studied the path of the heart ever since, completed IamU and teaches HRM classes in person and online. She is a certified Mentor and Huqalya Healer. Cornelia has been a medical doctor and clinical psychologist in behavioral medicine for 30 years. She has relocated in Germany and is dedicated to introduce the infinite benefits Heart Rhythm Meditation to Europe.

Karen Poulson
Location: Chicago, IL
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, App Contributor
Karen is a a Senior Representative of iamHeart, a graduate of iamHeart, a supervisor, mentor, faculty for mentoring and Hurqalya. She has served in iamHeart as a Director on the Board and as the Director of Communications. She currently works to bring relief to areas devastated by natural disasters, seeking to bring love, emotional support, and understanding to people along with material support. As an archaeologist her Heart Rhythm Meditation deep interest is in weaving the levels and layers to create the art of the personality. When she is not traveling, Karen lives in a renovated post card factory on the near north side of Chicago.

Shakti Alexandra Splieth
Location: Germany
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, IamU Teachers
Shakti Alexandra Splieth has been practicing meditation for almost 30 years. She started as a student of Pir Vilayat Khan and after his passing she found a smooth continuation of her hearts ideal in the practices and the teaching of IamHeart, with beloved Susanna and Puran. Shakti is a shiatsu-therapist, nurse and a health-care consultant. She has a private shiats-office and teaches samurai-shiatsu to entire school-classes. Shakti and her husband Assad are running an IamHeart-Meditation-Center in Nürnberg, Germany, in person and online. They perform live-Seminars in the path of the heart. Shakti feels dedicated to spread the message of the One Heart in Germany and Europe.

Li Lynn Stevens
Location: Boston, MA
Format for teaching: , Mentors
Li Lynn Stevens is grateful to have been connected to this special community of the heart for several decades. She is a 2013 graduate of IAMU and an IAMHeart mentor. As an educator and college writing instructor, Li has been awed by the benefits of bringing heart rhythm meditation practices into the classroom, inspiring students to write and express from their hearts. Li lives with her family on a lake north of Boston, feeling the rhythm of nature, breath, and beauty in her heart every day,

Kate Lampe
Location: Emmaus, PA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, IamU Teachers
Kate is a web course teacher and a mentor in the IAM Heart community since 2013. She is also a licensed professional counselor and she and her sisters facilitate retreats for folks in recovery from traumatic sexual abuse. Heart Rhythm Meditation is one of her preferred tools to support the body in healing shock states caused by trauma. Heart Rhythm Meditation is a powerful and eloquent path toward wholeness.

Assad Peter Splieth
Location: Germany
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, IamU Teachers
Assad has been meditating for almost 40 years. Almost 30 years he was a student of Pir Vilayat Khan and later one of his representatives in Germany; after the passing of the master he found new masters in Puran and Susanna Bair, a new, refreshing and very inspiring turn on his quest for the Universal Heart. The ideal of the Heart is the torch in the darkness of human ignorance.. Assad is artist in woodcraft and specialized in sound and vibration. He performs overtone-singing, larynx-singing and loves to explore. He never lacks inspiration. Assad and Shakti graduated IamU in 2020. Assad and his beloved wife Shakti are running an IamHeart-Meditation-Center in Nürnberg, Germany. The are guiding regular weekly online-meditations and teach students in live-seminars.

Qahira Yu-ju Chou
Location: Taiwan
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
Encountering a big confusion about life in the twenties, Dr. Qahira participated in a medical service in India, which led her to the pursue of spirituality and to the big questions of Life. In her days of clinical training, the experience of life and death initiated her to the deeper quest of healing and well-being. It wasn't until the encountering of heart rhythm meditation, and the vastness of the teachings of the heart, that made her found her place in Life. She is a physician, a mother, a mystic, and a sincere disciple on the endless quest on the path of the heart, who lives the spirit of the heart and the abundance of life. 卡希拉醫師,從主流醫學出發,在探索療癒的途中,遇見「心律冥想」與蘇菲神祕主義。在二寶媽的修煉之路上,活出「心之道」的豐富滋味。
Retreat Guide

Robin Kalimi Carpenter
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Robin Kalimi Carpenter began her daily practice of Heart Rhythm Meditation in 2002 and has since become an iamHeart certified Teacher, Retreat Guide, Mentor, and Hurqalya Healer. She is an iamU graduate who teaches local and on-line HRM classes and leads a meditation by phone every Saturday morning. Robin recently retired as a business professional in health insurance after 36 years, is married to Jack Carpenter who also practices HRM, and has two adult children (and two dogs!).

Alistair Beattie
Location: Norfolk, England
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Alistair based in the UK and has been a Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM) practitioner since 1999. He is a HRM certified teacher, mentor and retreat guide. He is also a certified Hurqalya healer. Alistair knows from his own experience, how mentoring can guide one in their chosen direction, suggest ways forward in their life, helping them to meet the challenges that come to them. in all aspects of their life.

Naqiba Shu-Fang Wang
Location: Taiwan
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher
Naqiba Shu-Fang discovered Heart Rhythm Meditation in 2006, and it had since become her passion and main spiritual practice. She is a certified Mentor, Teacher, and Retreat Guide. She leads group retreats and meditation courses for many years. In addition, she is a trainer and healer in the field of Energy Psychology. She celebrates life with a variety of interests: traveling, music, dancing, and writing. She is an accomplished writer with four books. Currently, she lives with six cats and two dogs on the mountain overlooking the pacific ocean.

Bismillah Susan Shawn
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
Bismillah is a graduate of IAMU, a certified iamHeart Retreat Guide, Hurqalya Healer and graduate of iamHeart’s Spiritual Leadership program. She worked as a counselor in the field of education for over thirty years.
In Person Teacher

Robin Kalimi Carpenter
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Robin Kalimi Carpenter began her daily practice of Heart Rhythm Meditation in 2002 and has since become an iamHeart certified Teacher, Retreat Guide, Mentor, and Hurqalya Healer. She is an iamU graduate who teaches local and on-line HRM classes and leads a meditation by phone every Saturday morning. Robin recently retired as a business professional in health insurance after 36 years, is married to Jack Carpenter who also practices HRM, and has two adult children (and two dogs!).

Maureen Attara DeBellis
Location: Bethlehem, PA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, IamU Teachers
Maureen Attara DeBellis discovered Heart Rhythm Meditation in 2014 and it quickly became her main spiritual practice. She is now a mentor, teacher and coach with the IAMHeart community. In addition to her corporate career, Maureen is a spiritual director and personal retreat guide. She has a BA in Marriage and Family Studies from DeSales University and a Graduate Level Certificate in Spiritual Direction from Moravian Theological Seminary in Bethlehem, PA. Maureen believes spiritual formation is ongoing and multi-faceted.

Dana Duclo
Location: Tucson, AZ
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, App Contributor
Dana Duclo is a certified School Psychologist and meditation teacher with decades of experience in the fields of psychology, education and meditation. She is a nervous system regulation specialist who teaches leading-edge approaches that help ease the effects of stress and trauma. Dana has been practicing and teaching HRM for over 16 years, is a graduate of iamU and the iamHeart Mentoring and Spiritual Leadership programs, and is a mentor and long-time member of the iamHeart community.

Leah Shaffer
Location: Tucson, AZ
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher
Leah has studied and taught Heart Rhythm Meditation for over ten years. She has helped organize countless group retreats and has worked with individuals as a long-established meditation Mentor. Leah’s favorite training came in the form of week-long individual retreats, where she would meditate alone for 8+ hours a day. These retreats allowed her to access meditation beyond any other previous experience. With the energy she found in her heart and the support of her practice, she has learned how to: heal her own emotional trauma, overcome long-standing depression, balance hyper-sensitivity with personal strength, and calm inborn fear. Leah currently teaches yoga and meditation for her local community and co-hosts a popular livestream meditation show. She is dedicated to helping individuals overcome their obstacles, heal their emotional pain, and ease inner longing. “With each step we take on our path, we are moving toward greater internal liberation and ennobling our soul expression.”

Alistair Beattie
Location: Norfolk, England
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Alistair based in the UK and has been a Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM) practitioner since 1999. He is a HRM certified teacher, mentor and retreat guide. He is also a certified Hurqalya healer. Alistair knows from his own experience, how mentoring can guide one in their chosen direction, suggest ways forward in their life, helping them to meet the challenges that come to them. in all aspects of their life.

Darilynn Schrader
Location: Belize, Central America
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
A graduate of the iamU class of 2017, Darilynn is also a certified Heart Rhythm Meditation Teacher, Mentor, and Hurqalya Healer. No stranger to the vagaries of life, Darilynn's life has unfolded as a spiritual path of mastery through change. Her current iteration of this path finds her residing in Belize, Central America (expatriate from Victoria, B.C., Canada), where she works online with people from around the world. A unique and loving soul gardener, she invites you to cultivate yourself and your life like a sacred garden and bring your heart into the world through mentoring with her!

Naqiba Shu-Fang Wang
Location: Taiwan
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher
Naqiba Shu-Fang discovered Heart Rhythm Meditation in 2006, and it had since become her passion and main spiritual practice. She is a certified Mentor, Teacher, and Retreat Guide. She leads group retreats and meditation courses for many years. In addition, she is a trainer and healer in the field of Energy Psychology. She celebrates life with a variety of interests: traveling, music, dancing, and writing. She is an accomplished writer with four books. Currently, she lives with six cats and two dogs on the mountain overlooking the pacific ocean.

Charles Palmer
Location: Naples, FL
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, App Contributor
Charles is interested in helping mentees progress along the path of inner development and apply what they learn to their specific needs. He have been meditating for 5 decades using various forms of meditation before learning HRM and graduating from the inaugural IAMU class in 2012. He have done various advanced courses with IAM and currently serve as a mentor. Charles has taught HRM to large groups at the medical center where he worked in Hershey PA for 10 yrs. He is a physician recently retired form academic practice at Penn State University in Hershey PA. Accordingly, his interests include the physiological effects of meditation and he has studied meditation in the laboratory and through research projects on well being and heart rate variability. He is interested in how the practices available through IAM can be applied to address the specific needs of the mentee so as to improve balance, harmony and creativity.

Salaam Robin Goldberg DMD
Location: Connecticut
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Robin Goldberg, DMD is a mother, partner, dentist, and meditation teacher in Connecticut, US. Her dental patients enjoy her gentle, calm, energy created by her meditation practice, and her meditation students and mentees enjoy her confident hospitality that she developed through her dental career. With her background in co-counseling, she is particularly interested in the effects of large societal influences on our individual journeys in life. She's a self-taught painter, player of guitar and mandolin, and improv comedy.

Majida Liz Smith
Location: Austin, TX
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, IamU Teachers
Majida Liz Smith has traveled the spiritual path with iamHeart since 1998. She is a certified teacher who has regularly taught iamU web courses and leads a weekly meditation on Zoom. As a certified Mentor she enjoys listening and building a strong relationship that empowers growth. Liz enjoyed her career was as middle school teacher and also enjoys reading, birding or working in a garden. She treasures being a grandmother, mother and friend.

Amadeus Stephen Hodgdon
Location: Maine
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Amadeus has been practicing Heart Rhythm Meditation for over 20 years and has been teaching it locally for over fifteen years . He is an iamHeart Mentor, Hurqalya Healer and teaches meditation both in-person and online in iamU. He leads two weekly online meditations focusing on spirituality, and leads the Hazrat Inayat Khan Healing Ceremony for iamHeart's prayer circle once weekly. Amadeus taught music in the Maine public schools in for nearly fifty years and is now retired and living on Mount Desert Island, also in Maine.

Bismillah Susan Shawn
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
Bismillah is a graduate of IAMU, a certified iamHeart Retreat Guide, Hurqalya Healer and graduate of iamHeart’s Spiritual Leadership program. She worked as a counselor in the field of education for over thirty years.

Indra Irene Ortiz
Location: Rio Rico, AZ
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
Indra was introduce to Iamheart in 2014 . A graduate of IAMU class 2018 and Mentoring and Mysticism program 2020, currently in Hurqalya Healing Program. Indra is a lover of life with a deep connection to spirit. Indra has spent the last 30 years devoted to learning and guiding healing practices, helping others through yoga, meditation, various massage modalities and the advanced energetic integration of Zero Balancing. Indra is passionate about the work of the heart and integrates the depth of her experience into everything she offers.

Aurelia Crystal Hill
Location: Larned, KS
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers, App Contributor
Aurelia is a Family Practice Physician in a small rural Kansas town. She have been a part of iamHeart since 2011.She is graduate of IAMU, Hurqalya, Graduate Program in Spiritual leadership, teachers training and mentor training. She has taught immersion courses and IAMU courses. She loves to teach the basics of HRM as well as more complex aspects of HRM. She also love to help people in the topic of weight loss. She had her own weight loss journey where over several years she dropped 100 pounds and kept it off. HRM was a big part of her success. She also offer a medical perspective due to her professional background, but she does focus on meditation rather than medical advice with her mentees.

Jane Duncan
Location: Hampshire, UK
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers, App Contributor
Jane is a retired nurse/midwife and lives in Hampshire, UK. She is married and has two adult daughters. She has been meditating with iamHeart since 2008 and is a teacher and mentor in the school. She is also separately a spiritual director coming from the Christian tradition. Jane has been a spiritual seeker for a very long time. This school has supported her to make sense of the world and her relationships within it and she loves sharing the journey with others.

Khadijah Cornelia Dilley
Location: Germany
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
Khadijah Cornelia Dilley met Susanna and Puran Bair in Florida 2004. She has studied the path of the heart ever since, completed IamU and teaches HRM classes in person and online. She is a certified Mentor and Huqalya Healer. Cornelia has been a medical doctor and clinical psychologist in behavioral medicine for 30 years. She has relocated in Germany and is dedicated to introduce the infinite benefits Heart Rhythm Meditation to Europe.

Karen Poulson
Location: Chicago, IL
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, App Contributor
Karen is a a Senior Representative of iamHeart, a graduate of iamHeart, a supervisor, mentor, faculty for mentoring and Hurqalya. She has served in iamHeart as a Director on the Board and as the Director of Communications. She currently works to bring relief to areas devastated by natural disasters, seeking to bring love, emotional support, and understanding to people along with material support. As an archaeologist her Heart Rhythm Meditation deep interest is in weaving the levels and layers to create the art of the personality. When she is not traveling, Karen lives in a renovated post card factory on the near north side of Chicago.

Shakti Alexandra Splieth
Location: Germany
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, IamU Teachers
Shakti Alexandra Splieth has been practicing meditation for almost 30 years. She started as a student of Pir Vilayat Khan and after his passing she found a smooth continuation of her hearts ideal in the practices and the teaching of IamHeart, with beloved Susanna and Puran. Shakti is a shiatsu-therapist, nurse and a health-care consultant. She has a private shiats-office and teaches samurai-shiatsu to entire school-classes. Shakti and her husband Assad are running an IamHeart-Meditation-Center in Nürnberg, Germany, in person and online. They perform live-Seminars in the path of the heart. Shakti feels dedicated to spread the message of the One Heart in Germany and Europe.

Kate Lampe
Location: Emmaus, PA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, IamU Teachers
Kate is a web course teacher and a mentor in the IAM Heart community since 2013. She is also a licensed professional counselor and she and her sisters facilitate retreats for folks in recovery from traumatic sexual abuse. Heart Rhythm Meditation is one of her preferred tools to support the body in healing shock states caused by trauma. Heart Rhythm Meditation is a powerful and eloquent path toward wholeness.

Assad Peter Splieth
Location: Germany
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, IamU Teachers
Assad has been meditating for almost 40 years. Almost 30 years he was a student of Pir Vilayat Khan and later one of his representatives in Germany; after the passing of the master he found new masters in Puran and Susanna Bair, a new, refreshing and very inspiring turn on his quest for the Universal Heart. The ideal of the Heart is the torch in the darkness of human ignorance.. Assad is artist in woodcraft and specialized in sound and vibration. He performs overtone-singing, larynx-singing and loves to explore. He never lacks inspiration. Assad and Shakti graduated IamU in 2020. Assad and his beloved wife Shakti are running an IamHeart-Meditation-Center in Nürnberg, Germany. The are guiding regular weekly online-meditations and teach students in live-seminars.

Qahira Yu-ju Chou
Location: Taiwan
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
Encountering a big confusion about life in the twenties, Dr. Qahira participated in a medical service in India, which led her to the pursue of spirituality and to the big questions of Life. In her days of clinical training, the experience of life and death initiated her to the deeper quest of healing and well-being. It wasn't until the encountering of heart rhythm meditation, and the vastness of the teachings of the heart, that made her found her place in Life. She is a physician, a mother, a mystic, and a sincere disciple on the endless quest on the path of the heart, who lives the spirit of the heart and the abundance of life. 卡希拉醫師,從主流醫學出發,在探索療癒的途中,遇見「心律冥想」與蘇菲神祕主義。在二寶媽的修煉之路上,活出「心之道」的豐富滋味。
Hurqalya Healer

Robin Kalimi Carpenter
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Robin Kalimi Carpenter began her daily practice of Heart Rhythm Meditation in 2002 and has since become an iamHeart certified Teacher, Retreat Guide, Mentor, and Hurqalya Healer. She is an iamU graduate who teaches local and on-line HRM classes and leads a meditation by phone every Saturday morning. Robin recently retired as a business professional in health insurance after 36 years, is married to Jack Carpenter who also practices HRM, and has two adult children (and two dogs!).

Jai Linda Turner
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Jai Linda Turner has an MS in Psychology and has been a licensed therapist in private practice for over 25 years. She has specialized training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, EMDR, and Critical Incident Stress Management, CISM. For over 20 years, Jai has been practicing and teaching HRM. She is currently a mentor, iamHeart teacher, coach, Dean of Faculty, Hurqalya healer and on the iamHeart Board of Directors.

Munawwir Sherry Nelson
Location: Emporia, KS
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Hurqalya Healer
Sherry Munawwir Nelson has been engaged in Heart Rhythm Meditation practice for the last 12 years. She has completed the following programs within IamHeart; IamU, Hurqalya Energy Healing, Spiritual Leadership Class, Retreat Guide training and Mentor training. Sherry is currently a Mentor and a teacher in the Hurqalya Energy Healing program. She guides personal retreats both in-person and on-line. Sherry also leads a weekly meditation group. Sherry is a retired public educator of 32 years. She has been married to her husband Kim for 45 years, they have three grown sons and seven grandkids. It would be my great privilege to help you in this process of opening your heart. I have been a very successful entrepreneur, married 40 years with 2 adult kids who live in India, and was the minister of our local Unity church for 18 years. At iamHeart I am a mentor, the Dean of the Hurqalya School of Heart-Energy healing, and have the honor of being the chairman of the Board of Directors of iamHeart.

Steven Winn
Location: Fairfield, IA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Hurqalya Healer
After 40+ years of meditating with my mind, in 2013 I began exploring the process of meditating with my heart. My experiences with Heart Rhythm Meditation were so deep and rich that I signed up for iamU within 3 months of learning HRM. It would be my great privilege to help you in this process of opening your heart. I have been a very successful entrepreneur, married 40 years with 2 adult kids who live in India, and was the minister of our local Unity church for 18 years. At iamHeart I am a mentor, the Dean of the Hurqalya School of Heart-Energy healing, and have the honor of being the chairman of the Board of Directors of iamHeart.

Dana Duclo
Location: Tucson, AZ
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, App Contributor
Dana Duclo is a certified School Psychologist and meditation teacher with decades of experience in the fields of psychology, education and meditation. She is a nervous system regulation specialist who teaches leading-edge approaches that help ease the effects of stress and trauma. Dana has been practicing and teaching HRM for over 16 years, is a graduate of iamU and the iamHeart Mentoring and Spiritual Leadership programs, and is a mentor and long-time member of the iamHeart community.

Alistair Beattie
Location: Norfolk, England
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Alistair based in the UK and has been a Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM) practitioner since 1999. He is a HRM certified teacher, mentor and retreat guide. He is also a certified Hurqalya healer. Alistair knows from his own experience, how mentoring can guide one in their chosen direction, suggest ways forward in their life, helping them to meet the challenges that come to them. in all aspects of their life.

Darilynn Schrader
Location: Belize, Central America
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
A graduate of the iamU class of 2017, Darilynn is also a certified Heart Rhythm Meditation Teacher, Mentor, and Hurqalya Healer. No stranger to the vagaries of life, Darilynn's life has unfolded as a spiritual path of mastery through change. Her current iteration of this path finds her residing in Belize, Central America (expatriate from Victoria, B.C., Canada), where she works online with people from around the world. A unique and loving soul gardener, she invites you to cultivate yourself and your life like a sacred garden and bring your heart into the world through mentoring with her!

Bhaktiar Robert Nemeth
Location: Leominster, MA
Format for teaching: , Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Bhaktiar started practicing Heart Rhythm Meditation in 2014 and witnessed amazing transformations both in himself and in those who he has been blessed to call his friends while being a part of this school. He is so grateful to be a part of this extraordinary Community and looks forward to meeting and sharing in the beauty of all who come here to learn. Bhaktiar is a graduate of the Hurqalya Healing Program and the Graduate Program in Spiritual Leadership and has been a web course teacher with school for nearly 3 years. He just recently retired from a very successful career as a Massage Therapist that spanned over 40 years.

Salaam Robin Goldberg DMD
Location: Connecticut
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Robin Goldberg, DMD is a mother, partner, dentist, and meditation teacher in Connecticut, US. Her dental patients enjoy her gentle, calm, energy created by her meditation practice, and her meditation students and mentees enjoy her confident hospitality that she developed through her dental career. With her background in co-counseling, she is particularly interested in the effects of large societal influences on our individual journeys in life. She's a self-taught painter, player of guitar and mandolin, and improv comedy.

Amadeus Stephen Hodgdon
Location: Maine
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Amadeus has been practicing Heart Rhythm Meditation for over 20 years and has been teaching it locally for over fifteen years . He is an iamHeart Mentor, Hurqalya Healer and teaches meditation both in-person and online in iamU. He leads two weekly online meditations focusing on spirituality, and leads the Hazrat Inayat Khan Healing Ceremony for iamHeart's prayer circle once weekly. Amadeus taught music in the Maine public schools in for nearly fifty years and is now retired and living on Mount Desert Island, also in Maine.

Bismillah Susan Shawn
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
Bismillah is a graduate of IAMU, a certified iamHeart Retreat Guide, Hurqalya Healer and graduate of iamHeart’s Spiritual Leadership program. She worked as a counselor in the field of education for over thirty years.

Indra Irene Ortiz
Location: Rio Rico, AZ
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
Indra was introduce to Iamheart in 2014 . A graduate of IAMU class 2018 and Mentoring and Mysticism program 2020, currently in Hurqalya Healing Program. Indra is a lover of life with a deep connection to spirit. Indra has spent the last 30 years devoted to learning and guiding healing practices, helping others through yoga, meditation, various massage modalities and the advanced energetic integration of Zero Balancing. Indra is passionate about the work of the heart and integrates the depth of her experience into everything she offers.

Omar Steven Paulk
Location: Boulder, CO
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Omar, a graduate of iamU 2015, loves helping others learn to breathe and listen to their hearts. Omar believes heart-focused meditation is humanity's next great leap, and Heart Rhythm Meditation and I AM HEART are one of the leaders of "getting out of our heads and into our hearts." Omar says, "Changing how you breath changes how you feel." He believes breath is one of our superpowers, and we can build a more beautiful world along with our hearts. Omar likes to include nature in his meditations, storytelling, and teaching.

Aurelia Crystal Hill
Location: Larned, KS
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers, App Contributor
Aurelia is a Family Practice Physician in a small rural Kansas town. She have been a part of iamHeart since 2011.She is graduate of IAMU, Hurqalya, Graduate Program in Spiritual leadership, teachers training and mentor training. She has taught immersion courses and IAMU courses. She loves to teach the basics of HRM as well as more complex aspects of HRM. She also love to help people in the topic of weight loss. She had her own weight loss journey where over several years she dropped 100 pounds and kept it off. HRM was a big part of her success. She also offer a medical perspective due to her professional background, but she does focus on meditation rather than medical advice with her mentees.

Jane Duncan
Location: Hampshire, UK
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers, App Contributor
Jane is a retired nurse/midwife and lives in Hampshire, UK. She is married and has two adult daughters. She has been meditating with iamHeart since 2008 and is a teacher and mentor in the school. She is also separately a spiritual director coming from the Christian tradition. Jane has been a spiritual seeker for a very long time. This school has supported her to make sense of the world and her relationships within it and she loves sharing the journey with others.

Khadijah Cornelia Dilley
Location: Germany
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
Khadijah Cornelia Dilley met Susanna and Puran Bair in Florida 2004. She has studied the path of the heart ever since, completed IamU and teaches HRM classes in person and online. She is a certified Mentor and Huqalya Healer. Cornelia has been a medical doctor and clinical psychologist in behavioral medicine for 30 years. She has relocated in Germany and is dedicated to introduce the infinite benefits Heart Rhythm Meditation to Europe.

Karen Poulson
Location: Chicago, IL
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, App Contributor
Karen is a a Senior Representative of iamHeart, a graduate of iamHeart, a supervisor, mentor, faculty for mentoring and Hurqalya. She has served in iamHeart as a Director on the Board and as the Director of Communications. She currently works to bring relief to areas devastated by natural disasters, seeking to bring love, emotional support, and understanding to people along with material support. As an archaeologist her Heart Rhythm Meditation deep interest is in weaving the levels and layers to create the art of the personality. When she is not traveling, Karen lives in a renovated post card factory on the near north side of Chicago.

Qahira Yu-ju Chou
Location: Taiwan
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer
Encountering a big confusion about life in the twenties, Dr. Qahira participated in a medical service in India, which led her to the pursue of spirituality and to the big questions of Life. In her days of clinical training, the experience of life and death initiated her to the deeper quest of healing and well-being. It wasn't until the encountering of heart rhythm meditation, and the vastness of the teachings of the heart, that made her found her place in Life. She is a physician, a mother, a mystic, and a sincere disciple on the endless quest on the path of the heart, who lives the spirit of the heart and the abundance of life. 卡希拉醫師,從主流醫學出發,在探索療癒的途中,遇見「心律冥想」與蘇菲神祕主義。在二寶媽的修煉之路上,活出「心之道」的豐富滋味。
IamU Teachers

Robin Kalimi Carpenter
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Robin Kalimi Carpenter began her daily practice of Heart Rhythm Meditation in 2002 and has since become an iamHeart certified Teacher, Retreat Guide, Mentor, and Hurqalya Healer. She is an iamU graduate who teaches local and on-line HRM classes and leads a meditation by phone every Saturday morning. Robin recently retired as a business professional in health insurance after 36 years, is married to Jack Carpenter who also practices HRM, and has two adult children (and two dogs!).

Maureen Attara DeBellis
Location: Bethlehem, PA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, IamU Teachers
Maureen Attara DeBellis discovered Heart Rhythm Meditation in 2014 and it quickly became her main spiritual practice. She is now a mentor, teacher and coach with the IAMHeart community. In addition to her corporate career, Maureen is a spiritual director and personal retreat guide. She has a BA in Marriage and Family Studies from DeSales University and a Graduate Level Certificate in Spiritual Direction from Moravian Theological Seminary in Bethlehem, PA. Maureen believes spiritual formation is ongoing and multi-faceted.

Jai Linda Turner
Location: Bakersfield, CA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Jai Linda Turner has an MS in Psychology and has been a licensed therapist in private practice for over 25 years. She has specialized training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, EMDR, and Critical Incident Stress Management, CISM. For over 20 years, Jai has been practicing and teaching HRM. She is currently a mentor, iamHeart teacher, coach, Dean of Faculty, Hurqalya healer and on the iamHeart Board of Directors.

Alistair Beattie
Location: Norfolk, England
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Retreat Guide, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Alistair based in the UK and has been a Heart Rhythm Meditation (HRM) practitioner since 1999. He is a HRM certified teacher, mentor and retreat guide. He is also a certified Hurqalya healer. Alistair knows from his own experience, how mentoring can guide one in their chosen direction, suggest ways forward in their life, helping them to meet the challenges that come to them. in all aspects of their life.

Bhaktiar Robert Nemeth
Location: Leominster, MA
Format for teaching: , Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Bhaktiar started practicing Heart Rhythm Meditation in 2014 and witnessed amazing transformations both in himself and in those who he has been blessed to call his friends while being a part of this school. He is so grateful to be a part of this extraordinary Community and looks forward to meeting and sharing in the beauty of all who come here to learn. Bhaktiar is a graduate of the Hurqalya Healing Program and the Graduate Program in Spiritual Leadership and has been a web course teacher with school for nearly 3 years. He just recently retired from a very successful career as a Massage Therapist that spanned over 40 years.

Salaam Robin Goldberg DMD
Location: Connecticut
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Robin Goldberg, DMD is a mother, partner, dentist, and meditation teacher in Connecticut, US. Her dental patients enjoy her gentle, calm, energy created by her meditation practice, and her meditation students and mentees enjoy her confident hospitality that she developed through her dental career. With her background in co-counseling, she is particularly interested in the effects of large societal influences on our individual journeys in life. She's a self-taught painter, player of guitar and mandolin, and improv comedy.

Susanna Bair
Location: Tucson, AZ
Format for teaching: , Mentors, IamU Teachers
Susanna Bair has been teaching meditation for 40 years, through seminars, conferences, courses, and retreats worldwide. It was her emphasis on the heart that gave form to Heart Rhythm Meditation. She is the Co-Founder and President of iamHeart and the supervisor of all 30+ mentors in iamHeart. Susanna is passionate about the topic of healing and with Puran developed the Hurqualya Method of Energy Healing. She also co-authored iamHeart's three sourcebooks on transformation through the heart.

Majida Liz Smith
Location: Austin, TX
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, IamU Teachers
Majida Liz Smith has traveled the spiritual path with iamHeart since 1998. She is a certified teacher who has regularly taught iamU web courses and leads a weekly meditation on Zoom. As a certified Mentor she enjoys listening and building a strong relationship that empowers growth. Liz enjoyed her career was as middle school teacher and also enjoys reading, birding or working in a garden. She treasures being a grandmother, mother and friend.

Amadeus Stephen Hodgdon
Location: Maine
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Amadeus has been practicing Heart Rhythm Meditation for over 20 years and has been teaching it locally for over fifteen years . He is an iamHeart Mentor, Hurqalya Healer and teaches meditation both in-person and online in iamU. He leads two weekly online meditations focusing on spirituality, and leads the Hazrat Inayat Khan Healing Ceremony for iamHeart's prayer circle once weekly. Amadeus taught music in the Maine public schools in for nearly fifty years and is now retired and living on Mount Desert Island, also in Maine.

Omar Steven Paulk
Location: Boulder, CO
Format for teaching: , Mentors, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers
Omar, a graduate of iamU 2015, loves helping others learn to breathe and listen to their hearts. Omar believes heart-focused meditation is humanity's next great leap, and Heart Rhythm Meditation and I AM HEART are one of the leaders of "getting out of our heads and into our hearts." Omar says, "Changing how you breath changes how you feel." He believes breath is one of our superpowers, and we can build a more beautiful world along with our hearts. Omar likes to include nature in his meditations, storytelling, and teaching.

Aurelia Crystal Hill
Location: Larned, KS
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers, App Contributor
Aurelia is a Family Practice Physician in a small rural Kansas town. She have been a part of iamHeart since 2011.She is graduate of IAMU, Hurqalya, Graduate Program in Spiritual leadership, teachers training and mentor training. She has taught immersion courses and IAMU courses. She loves to teach the basics of HRM as well as more complex aspects of HRM. She also love to help people in the topic of weight loss. She had her own weight loss journey where over several years she dropped 100 pounds and kept it off. HRM was a big part of her success. She also offer a medical perspective due to her professional background, but she does focus on meditation rather than medical advice with her mentees.

Jane Duncan
Location: Hampshire, UK
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers, App Contributor
Jane is a retired nurse/midwife and lives in Hampshire, UK. She is married and has two adult daughters. She has been meditating with iamHeart since 2008 and is a teacher and mentor in the school. She is also separately a spiritual director coming from the Christian tradition. Jane has been a spiritual seeker for a very long time. This school has supported her to make sense of the world and her relationships within it and she loves sharing the journey with others.

Shakti Alexandra Splieth
Location: Germany
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, IamU Teachers
Shakti Alexandra Splieth has been practicing meditation for almost 30 years. She started as a student of Pir Vilayat Khan and after his passing she found a smooth continuation of her hearts ideal in the practices and the teaching of IamHeart, with beloved Susanna and Puran. Shakti is a shiatsu-therapist, nurse and a health-care consultant. She has a private shiats-office and teaches samurai-shiatsu to entire school-classes. Shakti and her husband Assad are running an IamHeart-Meditation-Center in Nürnberg, Germany, in person and online. They perform live-Seminars in the path of the heart. Shakti feels dedicated to spread the message of the One Heart in Germany and Europe.

Kate Lampe
Location: Emmaus, PA
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, IamU Teachers
Kate is a web course teacher and a mentor in the IAM Heart community since 2013. She is also a licensed professional counselor and she and her sisters facilitate retreats for folks in recovery from traumatic sexual abuse. Heart Rhythm Meditation is one of her preferred tools to support the body in healing shock states caused by trauma. Heart Rhythm Meditation is a powerful and eloquent path toward wholeness.

Assad Peter Splieth
Location: Germany
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, IamU Teachers
Assad has been meditating for almost 40 years. Almost 30 years he was a student of Pir Vilayat Khan and later one of his representatives in Germany; after the passing of the master he found new masters in Puran and Susanna Bair, a new, refreshing and very inspiring turn on his quest for the Universal Heart. The ideal of the Heart is the torch in the darkness of human ignorance.. Assad is artist in woodcraft and specialized in sound and vibration. He performs overtone-singing, larynx-singing and loves to explore. He never lacks inspiration. Assad and Shakti graduated IamU in 2020. Assad and his beloved wife Shakti are running an IamHeart-Meditation-Center in Nürnberg, Germany. The are guiding regular weekly online-meditations and teach students in live-seminars.
App Contributor

Khalilah Charrington
Location: St. Louis, MO
Format for teaching: , Mentors, App Contributor
Khalilah has practiced HRM for 4 years and have been teaching for 1 year. She loves the practicality and simplicity of HRM. She believes greater peace, love, prosperity, and connection are all possible through HRM. And these simple meditation practices have been transformative in her life. She spent the majority of her adult life working as a natural health practitioner and coach. She's a licensed acupuncturist, trained in medicinal herbalism, bodywork, flower essence therapy, and various forms of energy work. She's currently exploring a new realm of work growing a small media company with her husband and 2 of her children. Her deepest intention is to see the greatness within others and to support the unfolding of their unique gifts to humanity.

Dana Duclo
Location: Tucson, AZ
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, App Contributor
Dana Duclo is a certified School Psychologist and meditation teacher with decades of experience in the fields of psychology, education and meditation. She is a nervous system regulation specialist who teaches leading-edge approaches that help ease the effects of stress and trauma. Dana has been practicing and teaching HRM for over 16 years, is a graduate of iamU and the iamHeart Mentoring and Spiritual Leadership programs, and is a mentor and long-time member of the iamHeart community.

Charles Palmer
Location: Naples, FL
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, App Contributor
Charles is interested in helping mentees progress along the path of inner development and apply what they learn to their specific needs. He have been meditating for 5 decades using various forms of meditation before learning HRM and graduating from the inaugural IAMU class in 2012. He have done various advanced courses with IAM and currently serve as a mentor. Charles has taught HRM to large groups at the medical center where he worked in Hershey PA for 10 yrs. He is a physician recently retired form academic practice at Penn State University in Hershey PA. Accordingly, his interests include the physiological effects of meditation and he has studied meditation in the laboratory and through research projects on well being and heart rate variability. He is interested in how the practices available through IAM can be applied to address the specific needs of the mentee so as to improve balance, harmony and creativity.

Aurelia Crystal Hill
Location: Larned, KS
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers, App Contributor
Aurelia is a Family Practice Physician in a small rural Kansas town. She have been a part of iamHeart since 2011.She is graduate of IAMU, Hurqalya, Graduate Program in Spiritual leadership, teachers training and mentor training. She has taught immersion courses and IAMU courses. She loves to teach the basics of HRM as well as more complex aspects of HRM. She also love to help people in the topic of weight loss. She had her own weight loss journey where over several years she dropped 100 pounds and kept it off. HRM was a big part of her success. She also offer a medical perspective due to her professional background, but she does focus on meditation rather than medical advice with her mentees.

Jane Duncan
Location: Hampshire, UK
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, IamU Teachers, App Contributor
Jane is a retired nurse/midwife and lives in Hampshire, UK. She is married and has two adult daughters. She has been meditating with iamHeart since 2008 and is a teacher and mentor in the school. She is also separately a spiritual director coming from the Christian tradition. Jane has been a spiritual seeker for a very long time. This school has supported her to make sense of the world and her relationships within it and she loves sharing the journey with others.

Karen Poulson
Location: Chicago, IL
Format for teaching: , Mentors, In Person Teacher, Hurqalya Healer, App Contributor
Karen is a a Senior Representative of iamHeart, a graduate of iamHeart, a supervisor, mentor, faculty for mentoring and Hurqalya. She has served in iamHeart as a Director on the Board and as the Director of Communications. She currently works to bring relief to areas devastated by natural disasters, seeking to bring love, emotional support, and understanding to people along with material support. As an archaeologist her Heart Rhythm Meditation deep interest is in weaving the levels and layers to create the art of the personality. When she is not traveling, Karen lives in a renovated post card factory on the near north side of Chicago.